Story from the Evil Empire. The National Labor Relations Board put out a letter saying college football players and other athletes in revenue-producing sports should be able to unionize because they are in fact employees of the schools. They also threatened legal action if schools and conferences don't stop using the term "student-athletes." WtF?
"The freedom to engage in far-reaching and lucrative business enterprises makes players at academic institutions much more similar to professional athletes who are employed by a team to play a sport." You can say that again.
Someone from Tulane sports law said this doesn't change anything today, but with all the other changes around the sport, this may be a step toward blowing up the current model.
I really hate this. I have come to hate all professional sports basically for the same reason: it's just a business and people's love of the game gets crushed under the wheel. When the Northwestern players looked into this a few years ago, the fact they would have to pay taxes on their scholarship became a daunting factor. It should be again. All these people trying to convince these kids how bad they have it and how they are being taken advantage of all have seriously scumbastic motives.