I am bored and I thought this would be fun to talk about. What College Football teams for WHATEVER reason do you hate, not including B1G teams because that is too simple and boring and I will just say it for us all, I hate TTUN and wish they get wrecked every week.
I'll go first... and I guess it is a cheap answer but Clemson. I live in WV and go to Myrtle a lot and they are so obnoxious and obviously the 2016 and 2019 games didn't help.
Speaking of WV... WV fans are SO annoying when it comes to The Ohio State. I do not even understand why but everyone here in the northern panhandle hates us. Jealousy, I am sure. So I also add WVU to that list, though it is mostly the fans and less the team.
That is about it for me, I dislike a lot of other schools ( ND, Bama, Miami, etc ) but don't think they cross into HATRED at the moment. I will ask again in 5 years and see if this changes.