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TTUN Scandal XXV

+42 HS
undercoverbuck's picture
November 1, 2023 at 12:53pm

Previous: Link to Part XXIV
Next: Link to Part XXVI

On we trudge valiantly unearthing the truth as the pressure gets turned up in Ann Arbor.

The further we get into this scandal, and the more evidence "drips" to us, the main question will be does either of the NCAA, Big Ten or UM Administration do anything? Are they looking for a "smoking gun"? Almost as important right now is what don't we know? What we do know is damning and with the leaks still dripping there's more to this scandal. We're far from over and I commend everyone for doing their part. 

Let's see what dirty little secrets come about in XXV...

Link to XXIV:

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