College Sports Forum

College Sports Forum

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+47 HS
teeedawg's picture
November 17, 2023 at 1:04pm

Link to Part LXXXVI

Michigan LB Coach Chris Partridge has been fired for "attempting to destroy computer evidence."

Per ESPN, "Partridge's firing stemmed from his lack of cooperation with the NCAA investigation."

Partridge was suspected of deleting material off of laptops that would possibly implicate others in the program.

When the NCAA came in to conduct an interview, he refused to cooperate or meet with them.

The NCAA presented Michigan with evidence that booster "Uncle T" directly funded the scouting scheme.

UM fans are suggesting that "Uncle T" is prominent booster Tim Smith, who is heavily involved with UM's NIL Collective "Champions Circle."

Lots of "lone wolves" emerging - practically a pack at this point.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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