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September 18, 2024 at 11:42pm

New thread. We're trying to follow the money. In a rare blog truce, 11W and Buckeye Scoop are coming together to dig into this. As of now, the NCAA doesn't care about any of it. So while I'm not certain it has anything to do with the sign stealing investigation, at the very least, it still interests me because nearly a year later we still have no answers. I also don't understand why people are still lying about it. Although Scoop seems to think so, I'm not even certain that players and coaches being in business together is against the rules in the post-NIL era. But again, if it's totally above board, why lie about it? Here's what I have so far in regards to all the weird businesses and coincidences surrounding Connor Stalions, Blake Corum and their various ventures. BTW if anyone can refute anything here or provide a reasonable explanation for any of it, we welcome it. 

The LLC with Corum has nothing to do with vacuum cleaners. It's actually called "BC2 Housing LLC" and it was registered in Wyoming and set up by Connor via a company called Registered Agents Inc out of Sheridan, Wyoming. Connor used Registered Agents Inc to set up his other businesses as well, such as Home Essentials Distribution. Remember that name "Registered Agents Inc." because it's important. So for BC2 Housing, Connor filed the initial LLC form himself, listed Blake Corum as an organizer of the business and Connor signed it digitally. When we started talking about this company on Eleven Warriors, a reporter asked Blake Corum about it and he denied involvement.  This means one of 2 things. Either Blake Corum is lying about being involved in this business that is named after him, or Connor Stalions committed a felony by falsifying his LLC paperwork. 

BC2 Housing isn't the only strange real estate coincidence between Connor Stalions and Blake Corum. Before this LLC ever existed, on November 24, 2021 The Corum family and Connor Stalions both paid off homes on the exact same day. The Corum family paid off a home owned by Corum's grandfather in Virginia and Stalions paid off a home in Tustin, California. I detail all of that here. Again, doesn't prove anything but what a coincidence.

Here's another strange thing about BC2 Housing LLC. In February of 2024, I discovered this blog post on Blake Corum's personal website. The blog post was from August of 2023. So at the time I found it, it was 6 months old. In the blog post, it said that Blake had invested in an apartment complex in Ann Arbor. I started posting on 11W that I suspected that apartment complex might have been the purpose of BC2 Housing LLC. The very next day after we started talking about it publicly, someone from Blake Corum's team went into that 6 month old blog post and changed the language from this, which stated he had already invested in an apartment... to this, which states he "hopes to eventually" invest in apartment complexes. Why go through the effort of editing a 6 month old blog as soon as you see people talking about it if you have nothing to hide?

OK, last thing. Remember I told you to keep that "Registered Agents Inc" company in mind... Well this company is so shady that Wired Magazine did an exposé on them earlier this year. According to the Wired article, Registered Agents Inc even used fake names of people that don't exist such as "Riley Park" on its forms. Registering LLCs anonymously is very common, but a company creating proven fake personas to register businesses for people is not common. That leads us to the final strange coincidence... another "Registered Agents Inc" business  I found...UncleT LLC. This business was filed by the fictitious "Riley Park" during the offseason before the 2021 season. The business used the office address of Registered Agents Inc as its headquarters, so there is no way to trace this directly to Connor unfortunately and we have to just treat this as a very big coincidence. This business was dissolved on October 26th 2023 (Interesting timing lol)...I fully admit, this business may have nothing to do with Connor but an LLC called UncleT, with that timeline, set up by the same registered agent that Connor uses is just another very strange coincidence stacked on top of all the other coincidences.

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