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September 19, 2024 at 1:46pm

Brohio and friends are attempting to follow the money (CXCVI Header)
From Premierdrum:

Probably a good place to mention that we know of zero actual muscle investigating this (or even interest in investigating this), so it's just a side project all of us for now. If Corum didn't authorize Stalions to list him on the LLC, Corum as the "victim" isn't going to file any sort of complaint. If Stalions listed Corum on the LLC to try and add some legitimacy to his sales pitch, those folks aren't likely to complain as they are almost certainly friendly to the program. If Corum was a willing participant in all this - and the more and more we find this is seeming slightly more likely to me - the NCAA has had no interest thus far. Even though the info has been out there for almost a year.

With that said these dots aren't all that difficult to connect and it shows - at least - by going to these extreme efforts to hide their funding sources demonstrates awareness that what they were doing was wrong. It will be a fun chapter to look back on and ask "what the hell were they thinking?"

Joel Klatt continues to nuzzle wolverine nuts (thank you Groza'sToe):

There once was an asshat named Klatt / who lied and his wallet got fat / nuzzling wolverine nuts / no ifs ands or buts / Klatt whored for cash and that's that.

Brohio has some words for Chris "Boob Salsa" Balas:

Re: Corum businesses. Cool, so offer an explanation or refute what we’re saying and we’ll drop it. “Hey! We’re not in trouble for this currently so don’t tell on us!” is not an explanation. I’ve laid out all the coincidences, I’ve provided links to everything. Give me a plausible explanation for Corum’s behavior and tell me the purpose of this business and I will say “Wow. I was wrong. My mistake. I apologize Blake and Connor.” I suspect that rational explanation will never come. 

Re: Hart, I agree that he is very implausible candidate for the internal source and I have said that from the start. I even went as far to say he wouldn’t be in my top 3 “suspects” if it weren’t for the accusations, specifically Partridge’s. If Balas, or anyone else can tell me with certainty that Partridge lied when he told the producers Hart turned over evidence against Connor, I will gladly rule Hart out. 

Quick links:
Previous Thread: CXCVI
TTUN Scandal Thread Anthology by CALPOPPY
22bucks HERE
Premierdrum HERE
Brohio HERE
Follow fellow Message Board Genius and self proclaimed fashion icon Brohio on X @Brohio_State

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