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+25 HS
buckeyeteach's picture
September 20, 2024 at 3:44pm

Premierdrum in the prior thread (CXCVII):

"A day off today, in which I've accomplished very little of what I had hoped to. 

In any event, I did have a good exchange with my best source on the enforcement side of things. He's been tighter-lipped since the NOA was delivered, but I did get a direct answer out of him when asking about how the NOA holds up to UM's defense of unclear rules, loopholes, and rogue staffers. 

"Air tight. No concerns."

And with that, it's football Friday night... and homecoming. Hoping for a dub."

"Quite the opposite, my friend. If the NOA were in any way, shape, or form good for those accused, it would have leaked like a dollar store bucket. 

The NOA is believed to be detailed, damning, and devastating, and UM is desperately trying to salvage some sort of agreement to start their punishment clock. 

Patience is a virtue here. We'll all know in about 62 days (according to that FOIA office up north)."


Quick links:
Previous Thread: CXCVII
TTUN Scandal Thread Anthology by CALPOPPY
22bucks HERE
Premierdrum HERE
Brohio HERE
Follow fellow Message Board Genius and self proclaimed fashion icon Brohio on X @Brohio_State

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