Hey, Everyone
Curious as your thoughts.
I've been watching BTN Network as I do every football season, particularly B1G Today with Dave Revsine and whomever his guest hosts happen to be on each day of the week.
This week, we've seen coverage of the Xichigan cheating scandal on ESPN, Yahoo Sports, The Athletic, the Washington Post and local TV stations in Columbus and Detroit, yet to the best of my knowledge, B1G Today has only give the scandal about 6-7 minutes of coverage ALL WEEK. It was briefly mentioned on Monday for 2-3 minutes and again today for 2-3 minutes, and only in the context of "off-field distractions". That's it.
I love Dave Revise. I love BTN. But hafta admit I'm surprised they aren't doing more with this story that is obviously ABOUT the Big 10!
Wondering if this is "media bias"? Is it fan base bias? (i.e. are we making more of this than is really there?) Doesn't seem so to me, but... I'm curious as to what y'all think...
Go Bucks!
(Mod Edit: deleted your dupe and moved posting to the College Sports Forum.)
(Mod edit 2: Already covered 2 days ago. https://www.elevenwarriors.com/forum/ohio-state-football/2023/10/142088/... )