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Cast of This Movie: The Wyld Stalions

-5 HS
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November 1, 2023 at 1:25pm

Been thinking a lot about this craziness...and i gotta say, I don't know fact from fiction.  I am having a ball trolling all my Michigan friends.

So the thought of this whole thing being made into a movie is intriguing to me.  I loved the movie "The Big Short", and would love to see this played out in a movie of this type.

So, if I were to put together a cast of the major players for this, here is how I would cast it....

Jim Harbaugh played by Christian Bale

Topher Grace as the Wyld Stalion

Karl Urban as Ryan Day

Morgan Freeman as Gene Smith

Jim McElwain played by Shark Lover Richard Dreyfus



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