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Ohio State football fan talk.

Care/Don't Care: Three Things Before Akron + The Season

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milhouse4588's picture
August 28, 2024 at 9:09pm

Figured it's time to kick off this series I've done the past couple of seasons and plan to do again. I don't do a lot of research but these are just my thoughts. Feel free to argue, discuss, dismantle, or pile on as you all see fit.

I write up after every game my initial (see: gut) feelings about each performance from a fairly tuned it, yet average fan.

This first one will be a preview of the season and our upcoming game, and what I care (and don't care!) to see.

Care: The team plays like a team, not individual superstars.

This season is hyped, justifiably, for many reasons. One of those being the insane roster we've accumulated over the offseason. But that comes with potential pitfalls as well, when each player is trying to be a star on a team full of them.

I want to see each player contribute via his role and not try to be a diva. Coach Day has been an amazing coach when it comes to The Brotherhood and fostering those relationships. I want to see a unified locker room trot out on the field and get things done together.

Don't Care: The final score against Akron (to a point)

I really don't care about the final score too much, unless it's a loss. I'd be understandably unhappy if we beat them by a single score and our offense looks sloppy and disconnected. But I think we all know that won't happen as it hasn't yet in Day's tenure (Missouri last year doesn't count, please stop). The only things that have ever held Day's offense back is a single year of QB play that wasn't able to run his offense. That shouldn't be a problem this year, especially with Chip on staff.

Whether this game is 35-10 or 65-10, I'm going to be looking for a team that plays well. I don't typically read into box scores as an end-all, be-all anyways. I lived through 2002 and understand that close games happen. It's how the team finishes that matters.

Care: We see consistent growth across the board

Championships aren't won in September/October/November. The team that comes out on Saturday will not be the best version of our team. I want to see Saturday be the very beginning for every player, and to watch them grow during the game and throughout the season. We are mature, experienced, and talented...but there are many other teams who are as well. This isn't going to be a cakewalk season and we need to get better every single week.

We've heard all the right things from our staff and players so far. Now it's time to watch them grow into the monster they have the potential to be.

Don't Care: About the Stalions documentary and the season-long narrative that will be spun about Michigan

To be clear: I care about beating the shit out of Michigan in November. I will be at the game and I will be as loud as I can possibly be from kickoff until Carmen Ohio.

But the Stalions doc and all of the bullshit that talking heads will say this season is irrelevant to me. The investigation will conclude when it concludes and I am eager to see the outcome, but I don't give a shit about that team up north until we play them.

Care: We hit our three and four deep every game we can.

Rotation is going to matter a lot this season and we have many opportunities to let the young guys get experience with live game reps. I have very few criticisms for how Day has managed games in his head coaching career to date, but rep management is one of them. We need to let our guys rest. No more starting QB on the field in the second half of the third quarter if we're up by more than three touchdowns. Get everyone off the field so we can get beyond our two-deep.

No more tiring out our players for the sake of Heisman candidacy, style points, or whatever other reason they've told themselves. It's better to give up 10 points with our backup defense to a team we're going to beat than it is to be able to say we won by 42.

Even against Michigan, I want to see our younger guys in the game...but with aggressiveness still turned to 11 so they can be humiliated by our third string running up the score on them.

Don't Care: For people calling for Day/Knowles/<insert coach here> to be fired mid-season.

Our staff is one of the best in the country and they will make mistakes. It happens. Our fanbase is the largest in the country, which means the group of assholes and terrible people who call themselves "fans" is also the largest of any fanbase in the country. That group sucks and ruins a large portion of this website for the real fans who love the Buckeyes and want to enjoy the season.

It won't happen, but if you can't process your emotions for calling for something that literally will not be done under any non-criminal circumstances, then just shut up about it until after the season.

We aren't going to be perfect, and we aren't going to do everything right. We may even lose a game...and that's disappointing but doesn't mean much in the new landscape of the sport. Our team will learn from it, as Day typically always makes necessary changes when needed, and we'll be better for it.

So just stop being dicks online just because there aren't any consequences. Be great Buckeye fans.

This is a forum post from a site member. It does not represent the views of Eleven Warriors unless otherwise noted.

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