On any given year there are about 300,000 senior high school football players. 30 or 0.01 % receive a 5 star, 380 or 0.13 get ranked as a 4 star,1,329 or 0.44% are 3 star, 1,859 or 0.62% are a 2 star then the remainder or 29,640 are not ranked. Interesting but is the talent level even from year to year. Could a class have 60 players that should be ranked as a 5 star? Could there be years that maybe only 20 should earn a 5 star? I would say yes just like a qb class is strong or weak from year to year so is over all talent weak or strong year to year. Another problem when your placed by numbers like this. How much difference is there between a rb ranked a 4star at 350 compared to a rb ranked a 3 star at 410? I would say little to none. Lastly how can anyone or service rank or even see 300,000 players and rank them. So in my eyes the coach's should be able to evaluate over any service to what type of player best fits his team. This is a reason why you have a 3 star sometimes become a star. They either got better faster or stronger and just maybe in a star heavy talented class. Using my Browns for a example look at the blown draft picks they had? So the bottom line this is no perfect system even after college. Go Bucks
Star Ranking and How Misleading It Can Be.
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