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Helmet to Helmet and Related Penalties, Etc

+7 HS
DoctorRocks0's picture
October 29, 2024 at 6:20pm

Maybe I'm off base on this, but I no longer believe there should be any penalties for helmet to helmet contact unless a player leaves their feet and launches themselves into another person, with the intention of truly messing them up.

My reasoning is simple: everyone knows what head trauma can do to you now. The jig is up, the secret is out.  At this point, choosing to play football is a health risk, and everyone knows.  Many people don't care.  For some, it's a way to make a better life for yourself, and a risk you're willing to take, just like say becoming a police officer, fire fighter, or joining the military.  You know the risks.  

Yes, the NFL, et al, covered up the science, the risks and the damage, but that cat's out of the bag.  Now it's on you, the individual.  If you want to play, you may suffer.  

Other than an egregious play, I'm not sure why this is even a thing.

Also, make the helmets softer.  Give them leather helmets.  They won't be ramming their heads into other people anymore.

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