Not long after Alabama jumped out to a double-digit lead on the Buckeyes Thursday night, I changed the threshold for members to be able to create new forum topics to 750 Helmet Stickers. Meaning, you had to have earned at least 750 Helmet Stickers to create a forum topic. I thought we'd be better served without 40 freakout threads and I think that worked out for us – and the Buckeyes!
I've since removed lowered the threshold, but down to 50, and not zero where it had been. I'm still not sure this is the answer to the dupe threads and some of the other inconveniences we run into in the forums – at least until we can implement something a little sturdier – but I think it strikes a good balance and gives new members the opportunity to figure out how we do things around here first.
Thanks for reading and as always, I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about this approach.