Kyle and Grant, your humble 11W Summer Marketing Interns checking in. Our job this summer is to use #marketing to make a great site even better. We will focus on product and content improvement, community engagement, and increasing readership.
Our task for the first week was to think of ways to improve the 11W Dry Goods store – mainly, on what types of products are we currently missing out? Major credit to the designers who have come up with the incredible line of preexisting products. If you’ve read the Oral History of the site, you know how Ohio State guards their trademarks (TL:DR – Say “Brutus” on a t-shirt and lose your press passes). Working around these restrictions makes creating new products an incredibly difficult task. So, while we aren’t bringing you any earth-shattering new products at the moment, we have brainstormed a few ideas to fill in gaps in the store.
In an effort to ensure the addition of worthwhile products, and also to put our educations to good use, we have come up with a small survey. If you have two or three minutes, please take the survey so Ramzy and Jason will stop yelling at us. If intern wellbeing is low on your list of concerns, then do it so you can officially voice your opinion that you want need an 11W hoodie.
We will be reaching out to you, the commentariat, over the summer and look forward to getting your input on how to improve the site. Feel free to let us know how we’re doing in the comments.
Grant & Kyle