You Don't Want Your Autographs to Run, Do You?
As mentioned in the comments, the Tuesday evening open practice and autograph session was canceled because of the threat of heavy storms in the Columbus area and rescheduled for Thursday evening. Same rules and restrictions apply. If you can't make it out, ONN and 10tv.com will be carrying the practice live at 8PM.
Is Little Animal Ready?
As Buckeye Commentary astutely pointed out a month ago, we've basically known who three of the captains will be when announced later this week: Barton, Freeman and the Gun Show. A lot of folks are thinking Laurinaitis for the fourth -- if a fourth captain is even selected. Will it be Laurinaitis or a darkhorse?
And while we're on the subject, Michigan selected tri-captains and not one of them is a senior QB named Chad. Must be one heck of a leader.
The Greedmongers Televise Your Team
Evidently a PR firm employed by Comcast has been posting not-so-nice things about the Big Ten Network on various B10 fan sites. Sample post @ GoSpartans.net:
I'm a big fan of State sports so I went to the Big 10 Network's kick-off party in East Lansing last week. Big 10 Commissioner Jim Delaney was there telling everybody how great this new TV package is going to be for college football and b-ball fans. WHAT A CROCK! Delaney is like the emperor who wore no clothes...the BTC has already sold its best games to ABC and ESPN. How delusional is Delaney and these other Big 10 greedmongers who want to charge us for the games we'd be able to see on our local cable station? If you want to learn more about the Big 10's big time rip off, I found a web site that explains a lot... www.puttingfansfirst.org VICTORY FOR MSU!!!
The web cool kids call it "astroturfing" as in the opposite of grassroots and regardless of what side of this debate you're on, it's pretty weak. This PR firm needs an ecard.