The football team will be holding the annual open practice and autograph session this Monday and it immediately brings up memories of me getting Mike Doss's autograph on the bottom of a Buckeye cap in the summer of 2002. Of course, being the jackass that I am, I wore the hat and the autograph is now faded and entirely illegible -- but, there's no doubting the fact that my autograph played a small (but significant) roll in leading the Buckeyes to the national championship that season. Give me the Will Allen pick at the end of the Michigan game at least.
If you plan on making it down to the session, heed the fine print:
On Monday, gates will open at 5 p.m. People seeking autographs will be allowed onto the field from Gates 31 and 32 starting at 5:15. Unlike at last year's autograph session before the open practice, this year's session will be limited to the first 10,000 fans. There will be a limit of one item per person.