I have been seeing many recent posts on this site referring to TCUN as having won the "national championship", "national title", "NC" or being "national champions." Occasionally I have gone the FIFY route by fixing these entries to "national championship*", "national title*", "NC*" or "national champions*".
Notwithstanding these best efforts to educate my fellow 11Wers, the use of these malapropisms largely continues unabated. This must stop.
I hereby propose and move that the 11W bylaws be amended to require that when discussing the terms "national championship", "national title", "NC" or "national champions" in connection with TCUN on this site* that an asterisk (*) must be used, and that any such usage without the * will result in the offending comment being stricken, i.e. (nuked).**
Any seconds? Vote?
*1997 and 2023 seasons only.
**excluding this post