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2015 Eleven Dubgate is not happening

Ramzy Nasrallah's picture
September 17, 2015 at 10:37am
elevendubgate 2014

This is lousy news and I hate having to deliver it.

We're not going to be able to hold the Dubgate this year due to an unfortunate series of events that I'll share with you here. If you attended the last few you know they were very well-attended, and we were intent on upgrading our space for this year. We looked into renting the baseball stadium but Ohio State's facility rental terms are well beyond what we were willing to sacrifice for a charity event.

We raised $12K for Down Syndrome achieves last year and we'd basically start at zero just to pay for it. Not an option.

So we had our original spot as a fall-back, which was fine...until a Columbus city ordinance was very recently passed that basically prohibits us from using it the way we had been. Long story short - we can no longer legally fit a beer truck and compliant food service into that space because of the new regulation, which means we needed to find a new space. Like, quickly.

For the past two months we've been looking for a new spot, and as you might imagine right before the season - they've all been spoken for for months. I even offered to buy out Tommy's entire parking lot at 150% of what their normal gameday take is and they declined. The RV lots are all reserved and there's no suitable space on campus where we can 1) compliantly apply a liquor license 2) adequately insure 3) properly run an event to our standards. We just didn't have enough time to respond to the new ordinance.

We've chosen to cancel the event for this year instead of run a lesser version of it, hastily try to move it to another date or have it far from campus. We came to this agreement with DownSyndrome Achieves and our sponsors. It's disappointing, but we'll be back. In the meantime can make a donation to DownSyndrome Achieves here

On the bright side, we should be announcing the details for the Gold Pants Social at the WHAC that Friday night very shortly. Thank you, and we're as sorry about this as we are disappointed.

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