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We Band of Brothers

+15 HS
Cruiser72's picture
September 30, 2018 at 1:22pm

You must forgive me this post for I was granted an Honor last night, that will carry me home to GOD

A couple of weeks ago, I found out I had been selected for Honor Flight Columbus, on a night when my beloved Buckeyes were to play Penn State, so I hemmed and hawed, but my brother-in-law convinced me I should go, so I did, and here is a brief of what happened !

I arrived at John Glenn at 0530 in the morning having had a tumultuous night of twists and turns, and little to no sleep, I immediately was hustled into a wheelchair by my guardian and given a beautiful T-shirt to wear that indicated that I was an American Fighting Man being honored on this flight, we took off at 0700, and landed in Baltimore at 0815, and after boarding busses we left for Washington all 104 of us, our first stop was Arlington National Cemetery, where we were honored by the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, then we were given time to visit the graves of those we wished, I visited the grave of my hero Audie Murphy and his wife (it was a great somber moment for me, after prayers we bussed to the WWII Monument ( an extremely well thought out and built monument).  I had to pedal fast to escape the lipstick of one Bettie Grabel, and had a warm handshake with George Patton, and William Halsey, we were allowed our own personal time to view the monument, what a lovely sight this hallowed ground was, we went to the Korean War monument, Lincoln Memorial, and then last THE VIETNAM WAR MEMORIAL, I choked up when I found my two best friends names who had given their life in service to this nation, both of whom were "Buckeye Proud", I being the youngest was asked to say something to this group before we made our return trip home, I was dumbstruck and could think of only this:

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother, Be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition, and gentlemen in America now abed shall think themselves acursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks, that fought with us ...

I hope I made Buckeye Nation proud, and I ask that you visit Honor Flight, and consider a donation for their are many Buckeyes that have never laid eyes upon the Hallowed ground of Washington D.C.


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