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Recent Stock Market Happenings...

+19 HS
tajikey's picture
January 28, 2021 at 1:08pm

With the recent stock market shenanigans between retail traders and hedge fund managers, what is your take on the situation? Candidly, this is the first time I've ever really taken a serious look at how the stock market works, and I'm 38.

As of this morning, apps like Robinhood have restricted the ability for retail investors to purchase GameStop, Nokia, Blackberry, and AMC stock, which is allowing hedge fund managers to prey on amateur investors to drive the price back down so they don't lose their butts.

Had you asked me two days ago what any of that above paragraph meant, I'd have no clue, but I'm intrigued by the situation, and was wondering if we could have a mature discussion about it.


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