Didn't watch the UNC Pembrook exhibition. Not likely watching Cincy unless insomnia has me up at 1 AM. With that said, oy veys mer, Coach Holtmann and his staff are gonna know what it feels like to ave their emotions put through a meat grinder this year. Hes gonna have to work some Butler 2.0 magic each and every game to make it through this season. Nostalgia for Tates lunacy under the backboards Kam Williams agonizingly inconsistent 3's Keita's magic will be the fallback option for many fans watching this year as this team will probably beits own worst enemy on more than one ocassion this season. Its really, as an aside, a question of guys like Micah Potter and Kyle Young playing like they belong "there". In any case, this is when Coach Holtmann will earn his keep. Go Bucks!
Holtmann Will Earn His Money This Year.
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