(Note to MODS -- if this oversteps any bounds or needs to be edited or moved to another section, feel free.)
Hello Buckeye Nation!
I'm a lifelong Buckeye fan -- grew up in central Ohio from the age of 4. When I'm not sitting here glued to Eleven Warriors, I write and produce television.
Thought I'd let my fellow fans know about a new show that focuses on football. Roughly 80% NFL (that includes the gazillion Buckeyes in the league), 10% NCAA (obviously includes the Bucks!) and 10% CFL (DeVier Posey got a mention this week!).
I've been able to (subtly) influence the look of the show - scarlet in the graphics for example (and black cuz it's a nice contrast and recalls our black unis from a couple years ago) and our (current at least) background on the projection wall from an old photo; I FINALLY got to visit The Shoe back in 2012.
Lemme cut to the chase: "Football with Farhan and Moj" can be found - with some difficulty - through TSN.ca (Canada's ESPN). Easiest way to find it is at www.FarhanAndMoj.com For those who prefer to listen, there's an audio-only podcast version available through Apple podcasts, Spotify and iHeart among others. Out hosts are 20+ year veteran broadcasters here in Canada.
New episodes are posted on Tuesday evenings. We just posted episode 2 last night. The hosts know I'm a big-time Buckeye fan and frequently call me out or banter about that, so.... it's all fun! If you skip to 53:00 you'll hear yours truly get a shout out during the discussion about our recent defensive debacle.
I'll hope you'll watch or listen if you're so inclined. Either way, know that I'm out there.... supporting our team!
O-H !!
[Mod edit: Is the post about OSU Football or Anything Else? Looks like 99% Anything Else. Forum placement is a thing.]