So I had a discussion with my wife about picking out favorite play from each of the 4 CFP games. Eventually we settled on picking the best 5 plays, and I thought it would be fun to hear what others think. Here are mine (in chronological order):
Tennessee: 1st TD to JJ. Such a tone setter, especially after the time after the UM game
Oregon: TD to Emeka. Great throw and great catch. I was pumped after the 1st score, but after they got that one, I knolew it would be a blowout
Texas: 2 here, and probably the ones you'd expect. Sawyer scoop and score for one. That play will probably outlive us all. It may be blasphemy, but i actually put the Trey screen pass TD above it. Without that burst (like he was shot out of a cannon), we may never have even seen the Sawyer play. Just one of the all-time great Buckeye RBs making a huge play in a huge moment (shout out to the blocking as well).
Notre Dame: Fairly obvious since 3rd and Jeremiah clinched the game, but a great route and a great throw take the cake over a couple other plays, namely Quinshon's 1st TD and 70 yard run.
What about you? Are there other big plays that will live in your mind forever?