I am a huge Buckeye sports fan, including the basketball team - even in it's current state. I lot of my friends are Buckeye football fanatics but root for Kentucky, North Carolina, or Duke in basketball. I follow football recruiting fairly closely but admittedly I do not follow basketball recruiting as closely.
My question, for those who do follow basketball recruiting, is this: What are the chances we will end up with Jerome Hunter and (Pete?) Nance? Nance seems like the kind of player we have been lacking since the days of Craft, Lighty, etc!
A follow-up question: If we do not get one or both of the aforementioned players who would you like us to get? I feel like the biggest quality our team is lacking is leadership on the floor. We have decent enough players but we have struck out with leaders. Craft and Lighty were leaders but since them... We only had Russell for 1 season, Loving is NOT a leader, Bates-Diop hasn't been healthy or consistent enough to become a leader. We need a floor leader and I am not sure who that will be among the current players or incoming players so I am looking for your informed opinions.