Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State Football Forum

Ohio State football fan talk.

Random Thoughts on the Rivalry and Xichigan Earning Their Nickname "The Cheaters".

+6 HS
Buckeyechuck5's picture
November 21, 2023 at 6:34pm

Good evening fellow dubbers.

I am not a bourbon drinker like many on this site claim to be, but I am a few coors banquets deep and would like to share some random thoughts that I have about this years version of "The Game" and maybe strike up some intriguing conversation with like minded buckeye fans because talking about the game helps my nerves that forced me to take this week off of work after admittedly telling my boss he was not going to get shit out of me anyway. That being said, I am open to be critiqued, I will appreciate any grace that is afforded. 

I commend the investigative work that is taking place on the daily and ever evolving "scandal" threads. Who knew 11W had a network of sleuths? Thank you to all of you who are letting your passion for buckeye football bleed through to the point that it keeps me informed with the latest up to date details and conspiracies behind the cheaters up north.

1st random thought: how did Illinois and Bert of all teams go into Ann Arbor last year the week before the cheaters came to Columbus and do everything but win on the scoreboard in a heartbreaker 19-17? I remember Chase Brown popping off running between the tackles and outside the ends for big gains and the Illini D punching the cheaters in the mouth all game. Did Bert do something to crack the code of the sign stealing? Or did the cheaters simply not respect Illinois enough to advance scout them?

2nd random thought: I fully feel in my gut that TCUN will still try to cheat in some way shape or form on Saturday. My logic behind this would be that if they are as smart as they claim their degree illustrates, then they must know that this game along with many others could possibly be vacated. Not to mention that in their own mind, they feel that they are the victim and have done nothing wrong. If I am being intuitive, they would rather get a win and get caught cheating AGAIN, than play strait up and lose. It is a culture issue. Woody was always paranoid of TCUN spies watching his practices. Woody knew clear back in the 60's they were cheaters. The fab five and now the sign stealing scandal. That institution has been cheaters by default as a result of their supreme arrogance justifying it in their own mind for a really, really long time.

3rd random thought: Will Dallan Haydan play on Saturday? Lets be clear, Trey is RB1. But something tells me that Ryan Day will want to get those big D tackles (mainly Kenneth Grant) sucking wind asap as a means to create an opportunity for Kyle McCord to drop back without getting prison raped in the pocket. What better way to get them sucking wind than to go fast and incorporate stretch with Trey and Dallan? Trey can hit the home run, and Dallan with his elite vision and shiftiness in the hole will get TCUN's D-line running horizontal chasing the play and soften the blow of their pass rush. 

4th random thought: I know this will not happen, but I would love it with every fiber of my being if Ryan Day orders the team to replicate the 1973 version of the game and take down the "Go Blue" banner as they take the field just to let those mother fuckers know Ohio's here and its personal. 

5th random thought: Any chance we see Devin Brown in the redzone? I personally doubt this happens either given Devin has not had any live reps since the Purdue game. I just keep thinking about the added dimension of an extra runner in the redzone because touchdowns are needed to win this game. 

For those that gave this a read, thanks for your time and cheers! I will close by asking all of you what rabbits Ryan Day may pull out of the hat as far as personnel or trick plays? Have good rest of the evening, and Happy Thanksgiving.


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